YOUNG LEADERSHIP COUNCIL (YLC) Class of 2027 Due Date: Friday, May 30, 2025 INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill out the application in the spaces provided and save a copy. The following three items must be submitted in order to be considered for YLC: 1. Application 2. Digital photograph 3. Letter of recommendation After your application is received, an Associated professional will be in touch with you to schedule an interview. Interviews will take place during June and July. CRITERIA The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore‘s Young Leadership Council (YLC) seeks individuals who: • Are passionate about the Jewish community and are willing to support it with human and financial resources. • Have demonstrated a potential for leadership and a sincere commitment to, motivation for and interest in serving The Associated and the Baltimore Jewish community. • Are interested in developing a deep understanding of The Associated and its system of non-profit organizations, the challenges and opportunities facing our Jewish world, the importance of philanthropy and the leadership skills to be tomorrow’s civic leaders. • Are willing to commit to completing a two-year program including actively participating in monthly seminars, traveling to Israel for a one-week cohort experience, observation of non-profit organization’s committees/boards, and attending relevant community events. • Are seeking leadership roles in The Associated’s Young Adult Division (YAD), Associated and Associated-system committees and boards and/or other key volunteer leadership positions in the Jewish community. • Are committed to helping the Baltimore Jewish community thrive by asking for funds on behalf of The Associated, upon completion of YLC.
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.